Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • What is SchoolSafe?

    SchoolSafe is a mobile app service, also referred to as the School Safe System or Service, that assist parents by keeping them notified of their children’s successful bus commutes to and from school.

  • What is the SchoolSafe Parent App?

    The SchoolSafe Parent App is the parent component of the School Safe Platform that facilitates notifications to parents during sign-on and sign-off events along their child’s journey to and from School.

  • What is the SchoolSafe Driver App?

    The SchoolSafe Driver App is the component of the system that facilitates the scanning function of QR codes to register a sign-on/sign-off event upon entering or exiting the bus, and is best placed on a fixed device installed within the bus.

  • How does SchoolSafe work?

    Both the School Safe Driver and Parent apps work in conjunction with each other to provide parents with a notification and geolocation when their child scans their QR code onto the bus device running the driver app, when signing on and off the bus.

  • What device software does SchoolSafe support?

    The School Safe Parent application is available on both Apple iOS and Android, and is available on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store respectively.

  • I’ve heard about the School Safe Platform and I’d like to get involved, how do I get signed up?

    Once the app is downloaded, proceed to sign-up by providing your email at login, set a password, and provide a mobile number for verification. Once signed up you’ll need to provide some basic information about yourself such as your Full Name and Address.

  • OK, so I’ve signed up, I’d like to create QR codes for my children, how do I go about this?

    Once you’re logged in to the account created above, proceed to the “Manage Children” section and select “Add Child”, enter some basic information, define your places such as Home, or School, and click Continue. A QR code will now be generated and displayed, with the options to Print or Share the QR code.

    Note: All personal information within this section is local to your device only and is not stored anywhere in the School Safe Platform.

  • Great! I’ve now printed the QR code and it is attached to my little one’s bus pass, how does it work from here?

    That’s it! Provided the bus/bus company your little one is travelling with supports the School Safe Platform, your child will be able to use that QR code when signing on and off the bus, which in turn will capture and communicate the sign on/off geolocation of the bus, to the parent app on your mobile device.

  • How does SchoolSafe protect me and my child’s privacy and keep our information secure?

    We know security and privacy are important to you – and they are important to us, too. We’ve made the conscious decision to store only the bare minimum data on our server. Your child’s details like name, birth year, and pictures are never sent outside your device, ever. In addition, we also employ security tools like 2-step verification to ensure it’s really you logging into your account.